/ Von Christian Braun

Are you also struggling to create a real impact with your product teams? Features are prioritized top-down and you fail to generate measurable value. When you were only 3 teams, it was still easy to coordinate, but since you are more than 5 teams you lost the overview. We all want to ensure we’re working on the right thing and generating outcomes quickly. It’s difficult, but not impossible.
This talk is about the Value Engine, a product management framework that helps you to organize the discovery & delivery of your product teams to create a permanent culture of experimentation and achieve 10x more outcomes with 10x less effort.

Get a sneak peek in this video:

About Sandra:
Sandra is a passionate product professional and Co-Founder of the Value Rebels, a product consultancy founded in 2020. She worked as Product Manager and Product Lead for 10+ years in companies such as zooplus and Justeattakeaway, where she majorly influenced the product success and shaped the product organization.
Together with the Value Rebels she is on a mission to shake up the digital product world in Europe and ensure that the next generation of companies uses the role of Product Management to generate more value faster instead of defining feature roadmaps that miss the mark.

We´re looking forward to seeing you!

Wichtig: Zum Jahreswechsel wird die Planung des Agile Tuesday nur noch auf meetup.com stattfinden, da Xing die Gruppenfunktion abschalten wird.

Viele Grüße

Euer Agile Tuesday Team mit Sandra

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